
These are some of the games that I have created, or co-created, and have (more or less) finished.


Fall 2012

Diablo puts you in the shoes of a brave and mighty adventurer, questing your way through hostile territory while killing nearly endless amounts of enemies quite effortlessly. Their corpses are looted and their treasures are collected. But what if you played not as the hero, but as one of the lowliest of creatures, the zombie? What would your experience be like? This game lets you find out!

It is written in Lua with the LÖVE 2D library.

- Standalone executable (7.0 MiB) bundled with the LÖVE library (recommended)  
- .love file (5.8 MiB). Note that it does not work with the newest version of LÖVE, so you need to get version 0.7.2.

Monster Monster Monster

Shinguru the Ninja

Summer 2009

Another competition in the Dobb's Challenge family caught my eye in the early summer of 2009. Again, the goal was to mod a simple platformer. This time the target platform was Silverlight using C#. 

I decided to create a game for this competition and submit it for the "one button game" category. Having a limited "arsenal" of buttons and features is quite a nice way to force you to think of interesting solutions.

The end result, although no revolution in terms of concept design, features an original control scheme. The goal of the game is to traverse the levels, collecting tokens and slaying enemies as you go. The player's character runs all by itself, relying on the player only for instructions about when to jump and swing the sword. Of course, this is all accomplished using a single button.

And indeed, the game did win in the category of Best One Button Game!

Since its a Silverlight game, you can play it directly in the browser.

Happy New Year

Winter 2008

It was winter, the snow lay thick. It was dark. Fireworks were missing. So, I created a game about these themes. It also gave me an excuse to use the HGE library, something that I had wanted to try for a while.

The goal of the game is too shoot firework rockets up in the sky, have them explode and make other rockets explode in magnificent combos bringing everyone joy and happiness. Create combos, accumulate points and reach the top of the high score list!

I was pleased that I could make this game relatively simple in terms of graphics, but still make it look decent. In the end I am quite happy how it turned out.

- Game Executable (6 MiB)
- Source Code and Content (11,7 MiB)

Trailer: Check it out on Youtube

Dr. Dobb's Singularity

Summer 2008

I have always liked the type of game where you fly a spaceship through some kind of tunnel using a single button. Those games usually only let you fly in one direction controlling the upward and downward motion. This game puts a spin on that concept, enabling the player to turn the ship around. The goal is to navigate through the levels, activating certain hotspots on the way which makes the ship turn around.

This was an entry in the "Dr. Dobb's Challange" contest which was held in the summer of 2008. The contest's rules stated that entries had to be a modification of an existing game created by the contest arrangers. So I did a total conversion and turned it into Dr. Dobb's Singularity (pun intended!).

The end result is more of a proof of concept prototype than a full game, but it is a concept that I want to revisit some day. Although the game didn't win, it was awarded a Critic's Choice Award!

Download the game

Omega Point

Spring 2008

Omega Point is a game I and a couple of other people made during a project course in the spring of 2008. The game is a not-so-massively online game where the player takes control of a small colony in space, with the goal of expanding his domain, eventually creating an empire.

While still giving the player an avatar with a ship to fly around in, our goal was to keep the structure at a fairly high level with the player making decisions mostly on a colony level. Omega Point would also be somewhat of a casual game and not force the player to tend his colony at all times.

Other features included large fleet battles between players, an open economy system, and the ability to take control of planets and star systems to harvest their resources.

In the end, however, we aimed much too high and the final game was only a shell of what we hoped to accomplish.

Check out the Trailer

Spring Warz: The Ultimate Space Shooter With Turbo Las0rz

Winter 2007

This game was created during the winter of 2007 and was the end product in a course called Simulation Engines. Each member of the group created one part of the "engine". Parts included modules of physics, GUI, and message handling. I created the networking library.

Utilizing our various modules, we coded the actual game over the course of a single weekend, but it turned out to be surprisingly fun to play!  The game play focuses heavily on spring physics, having players battle it out in deformable space ships.  It also features intense (well...) multiplayer network combat! The ships can even be custom made by the players in an editor.

Download the game or watch the trailer!